## Leaping Loom ## Kyle Booten ## Python, 2024 from random import choice, randrange print("Weave a poem this way:\nLine 1: A line of poetry.") actions = ["rhyming with"]*90+["syntactically echoing", "using a phrase from","riffing on"]*26+["contradicting"]*10 actions += ["%s the %s word of" % (ac,word) for ac in ["using","using a more precise word for", "internally rhyming with"]*6+["punning on"] for word in ["(ignoring stop words) first","(ignoring stop words) last", "most salient","rarest"]] c = 2 while True: print("Line %d: This one %s Line %d." % (c,choice(actions),randrange(1,c))) c+=1